
S. Grätz / D. Prechel, König/Königtum (Alter Orient), in: Das wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet, created May 2020

S. Grätz / D. Prechel, Der besondere Nachkomme: Akkadisch bukru(m) - hebräisch bekôr, Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 23 (2017), 1-15.


Further publications:

Publications series Kraftprobe Herrschaft

In order to bring the results of the joint research into the discussions of the participating disciplines and at the same time to open up a forum for interdisciplinary exchange, the members of the working group have founded a publication series which is published by Mainz University Press. The series will offer different subjects grouped around figurations of the ruler between success and failure. The pulsating field of comparative ruler and monarchy research is thus offered a disciplinary composition and thematic focus not represented in the current research landscape.

The focus is on the identification and description of culturally specific and cross-cultural attributions that figure a ruler either as a "failure" or as a "successful ruler". Questions about concrete constellations in which these attributions emerge will be discussed; furthermore, those factors will be determined that contributed to the emergence of these attributions, possibly changed or even revalued. Here, not only the historical context of origin, but also the later reception of the figurations up to the recent history of research must be examined and critically questioned.

The series is intended to publish the contributions of the interdisciplinary conferences held in Mainz and also to be open to monographic works on the main theme. The following conference proceedings are planned and conceived:


KpH Vol. 1: The Ruler as a Failure? (2019)

What makes a ruler a "failure"? In two respects, this question is linked back to perceptions, prejudices and categories of judgement, which prejudge the view of individual rulers as failures and are critically reflected in this volume. Not only traditions that individual rulers present as failures are thematized, but also powerful research traditions, which often all too clearly distinguish between the success and failure of rulers and repeatedly require critical reflection and revision. The volume contains the contributions of the conference held in Mainz in 2017.

» Click here for the table of contents.
» Click here for reviews.


KpH vol. 2: Dominant, seductive, eternally guilty - women in the ruler's environment

This volume takes up different aspects of the role of women who were important in the figuration of the ruler: Women in the immediate vicinity of the ruler, who appear as co-regents or rulers at the ruler's side, women in the immediate vicinity of a (male) ruler, and finally, the history of science on the topic of "Women in the Context of Domination" is evaluated from the perspective of different disciplines. The volume will include the contributions of the 2019 conference.