Scientific Network "Power under Pressure. (Re-)constructions of the Figure of the Pre-modern Ruler between Challenges and Contentions"
The pre-modern ruler is often in the centre/focus of contemporary media, be it in visual or literary tradition. Depending on the genre or temporal and cultural environment, typical and individual features of the ruler amalgamate to form a constructed or abstracted figure, which, depending on requirements, can be assigned to different attributions or fulfill different roles. The ruler thus becomes a projection screen of various expectations that constantly challenge his ability to act (and his legitimacy). Therefore, the figure of the ruler also offers the starting point for a wide range of discourse patterns and practices of legitimation and delegitimization. With the help of the attributions made, it is thus possible to describe and analyse the prerequisites, conditions and modes of action in the respective political, social and cultural contexts in more detail, e.g. the success or failure of legitimation strategies, techniques of domination, symbolic and verbal forms of communication, the use of violence or non-violent conflict resolution.
Members of the network:
− Dr. Stuart Airlie, University of Glasgow, Medieval History
− Prof. Dr. Dimiter Angelov, Harvard University, Dumbarton Oaks, Byzantine History
− Prof. Dr. Notker Baumann, Theologische Fakultät Fulda/Marburg, Kirchengeschichte und Patrologie
− Dr. Heinz Blatz, Theologische Fakultät Paderborn/Universität Duisburg-Essen, Neues Testament
− Dr. Elizabeth Fowden, Cambridge, UK, Classics, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
− Prof. Dr. Heide Frielinghaus, JGU Mainz, Klassische Archäologie
− apl. Prof. Dr. Andreas Fuchs, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Altorientalistik
− Prof. Dr. Niels Gaul, Edinburgh, Byzantinistik
− Prof. Dr. Sebastian Grätz, JGU Mainz, Alttestamentliche Theologie
− Prof. Dr. Heike Grieser, JGU Mainz, Alte Kirchengeschichte und Patrologie
− Prof. Dr. Ludger Körntgen, JGU Mainz, Mittelalterliche Geschichte
− Prof. Dr. Johannes Pahlitzsch, JGU Mainz, Byzantinistik
− Prof. Dr. Michael Pietsch, Augustana-Hochschule Neuendettelsau, Alttestamentliche Theologie
− Prof. Dr. Doris Prechel, JGU Mainz, Altorientalistik
− apl. Prof. Dr. Isabel Toral-Niehoff, FU Berlin, Arabistik
− Dr. Dominik Waßenhoven, Universität zu Köln, Mittelalterliche Geschichte
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